Sustainable agriculture describes farming systems with the capacity of indefinitely maintaining their productivity. These systems are built on complexity and diversity to ensure food security for all and produce food locally that is nutrient-dense, healthy, tasty, affordable and accessible.
Sustainability rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable food gardening means growing perennial crops in ways that meet economic, environmental and social benefits, with minimal or zero impact on the environment, uplifts communities and increase economic benefits for the gardener or farmer.
It is estimated that by 2050, the world population will have increased by almost a third. However, we do not have an overpopulation problem, we have a mentality problem... interfering with the benevolent responses of Nature to our impacts. That is the problem and not 'alien weeds' or 'global warming'. For this reason, water, the most precious resource, is dwindling at an alarming rate. Only about 3% of the Earth's water is fresh and just a fraction of that can be accessed to use. Many parts of the world suffer from drought, including water-rich nations. Commercial farming alone uses 70% of the fresh water of world reserves and growing food for one person on a commercial farm uses up to 2,000 litres of water per day.
Every life form impacts the environment. That is natural and we have to work with the responses of Nature to those impacts. A garden that produces food for two or three years is unsustainable and has little environmental, societal or economic benefit. That happens because of digging, ploughing, burning crop residue and overstocking, resulting in soil compaction, which in turn shuts down the capacity of the soil to absorb water. Only natural ecosystems can absorb and recycle rain and increase water availability.
Commercial agriculture is not the answer to feeding the spiraling population growth, as unsustainable agriculture methods create deserts. Sustainable gardening is the answer and abandoned rural land can be regenerated by teaching communities sustainable methods of farming. Food forests reduce poverty and ensure food security, even during times of low rainfall.
Sustainable gardens do not only follow idealistic principles but their sustainability can be measured and is observable. They produce food year after year. Our gardens need to mimic the natural biological processes and be guided by the principles of Nature. This can be achieved in the following way:
Moisture Retention – Water Cycling
Plants need water to survive. Watering plants frequently will not only deplete already drained water systems, but also contribute to pests in a garden. We need to find ways of providing constant water/moisture to the plants without impacting on the available resources and retain available water by preventing evaporation and water runoff. This is achieved by natural organic soil structure building processes and by woody plants decaying where and how they fall down naturally. This is the way Nature creates mulch and optimises soil moisture infiltration.
Mulching our soil, creating windbreaks and rainwater harvesting/rainwater catchment by means of swales and dams are some of the ways that water can be contained in a garden. The objective is to get as much water as possible into the soil during rainfall and let the soil create a moisture reservoir, through the attenuated decomposition of woody material, which maintains the ability of the soil to retain water and release moisture slowly to crops, as and when required, over long periods.
Nutrient Retention – Nutrient Cycling
In a sustainable garden, nutrient retention concentrates on building up the biological fertility of the soil, so that crops take their nutrients from the steady supply within the soil reservoir, as a result of breakdown of mineral-bearing rocks and decomposition of detritus. These nutrients are then stored in plant tissues, such as leaves, stems and flowers. When these tissues later fall to the ground, they break down and together with decomposing dead insects, dead animals and animal faeces, are eventually re-incorporated into the soil by rainfall and earthworms and the organic matter is further broken down and slowly transformed to finally become nutrients like humic and fulvic acid to facilitate the growth of healthy plants.
All organic matter and household food and water waste should be returned to to the garden and not discarded as waste, as this provides a constant supply of nutrients for plants. We need to work at improving the condition of the soil to ensure that conditions such as soil erosion, nutrient leaching and organic matter depletion are avoided, as this inhibits nutrient retention.
Goals of Sustainable Agriculture
• Satisfy human food and fibre needs.
• Enhance environmental quality in a sound way.
• Conserve the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends.
• Make the most efficient use of non-renewable on-farm resources.
• Integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls.
• Sustain the economic viability of farm operations.
• Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.
• Conserve resources.
• Be socially supportive.
Benefits of Sustainable Home Food Gardens
• Produces a healthy and diverse range of food with lower environmental impact.
• Less labour and cost intensive, as the system runs and regulates itself.
• No need to till soil and do weeding.
• No need to truck in manure and sawdust, as these are readily available in the garden.
• Builds soil and improves carbon and nitrogen cycles.
• Promotes abundant wildlife.
• Valuable for resource and waste cycling.
Sustainable Growing Systems
Food can be produced in many different forms around the world, with no diet, or way of producing food, being the only sustainable choice.
Examples are:
• Food Forests
• Silvopasture
• Permaculture
• Natural Farming
• No-Till Farming
• Edible Meadows
• Urban Farming
• Aquaculture
• Integrated Farming
• Microgreens
• Plantations
Food Forests
Food forest gardening is a is a comprehensive, perennial low-maintenance, high-yield, sustainable, food production, agro-forestry technique and land management system and is a way of producing food and household products sustainably and have been grown for thousands of years, mainly in tropical and sub-tropical climates.
A food forest is a method of food production that mimics the structure and function of a natural forest ecosystem. The idea is to create a low-maintenance, sustainable food system that is self-sufficient and regenerative. A food forest is composed of layers of edible and useful plants, including fruit and nut trees, shrubs, vines and groundcovers and the plants are arranged in a way that maximise their interactions and benefits to each other, creating a diverse and resilient ecosystem that requires little input from humans.
Human-designed food forests emulate the ecosystem of a young forest, where most of the plants are edible. By mimicking the autonomous ecosystem of a natural forest, they provide low-maintenance and self-nurturing sources of food, while actively contributing to reforestation and creating systems that are ecologically sound and economically viable, eliminate waste, increase resilience, do not exploit or pollute and are therefore sustainable in the long term. It utilises the inherent qualities of plants and animals, combined with the natural characteristics of landscapes and structures, to produce life-supporting systems in urban and rural areas and allow for the just and harmonious co-existence of human beings with other species.
Food forests work in every climate, every landscape and on every scale and the principles can be applied with equal success to a farm, a community in a city, an urban lifestyle estate, or a small garden. Mature forests are perfect examples of natural closed-loop systems: No one tills, weeds, fertilises or sprays and the forest provides food for all the creatures who inhabit it, without any external human interference. They play a vital role in providing a rich source of nutrition for humans, while enhancing biodiversity and nourishing the soil. In a high-yielding planting regime, perennials need not be planted each year and they produce a larger percentage of biomass than conventional farms and gardens. By nature, they are diverse and complex ecosystems, restoring health and balance to the landscape.
What is meant by yield, encompasses not only the plant world but the built environment, the waste stream, energy systems, animals, water and landform. All of these systems contribute to the development of a plant guild. The energy and materials embodied in structures, plants, animals and humans placed in the landscape, create dynamic relationships and functions of exchange and the instigation of a never-ending cycle of biological life. The food forest approach is gaining popularity as a way to address food insecurity, promote ecological restoration and build community resilience.
Forests are some of the most productive, biodiverse and self-sustaining ecosystems on earth, but deforestation destroys these rich centers of life at a rate of 10m hectares per year, driven by demand for monoculture crops like soya and palm oil, deforestation presents a major problem for forest ecosystems.
Food Forests in Arid Zones
A remarkable oasis, Paradise Valley, exists to this day in the Moroccan desert. This 2000-year-old, 65 acre lush green food forest oasis, is the remnant of ancient sustainable agriculture and located in the barren arid Moroccan desert along the Tamraght River in the rural hills of the High Atlas Mountains. Date palms form the main over-story species, with an understory of carob, bananas, quince, olives, figs, pomegranates, guava, citrus, mulberries, tamarinds, grapes and many smaller species and 800 people still tend, prune and harvest the forest. The shaded, cool, lush atmosphere has offered a safe, secure and abundant space in the middle of a hot dry, inhospitable desert for two millenia and stand as testimony to the fact that food forests are the most productive, sustainable, long-term, self-maintaning systems of food production.
Food Forests in Temperate Zones
During the 1960s the English horticulturist and farmer, Robert Hart, pioneered forest gardens in temperate zones when he developed a model food forest from a 500m2 orchard on his farm, Highwood Hill at Wedlock Edge in Shropshire, England. He was inspired by James Douglas, who in turn was inspired by the work of Toyohiko Kagawa. Robert's intention was to provide a healthy and therapeutic environment for himself and his brother, who was born with severe learning disabilities. After realising that maintaining large annual vegetable beds were beyond his strength, he noticed that a small bed of perennial vegetables and herbs required no intervention or maintenance, provided interesting additions to their diet and promoted health and vigour.
Robert then started developing his food forest idea, based on the seven distinct layers he observed in tropical forest gardens, which combine maximum output for minimum labour and also wanted to demonstrate a garden that could heal people and planet, based on unconditional transformative love. His forest garden is suitable for cool temperate climate zones and is built around a guild of apples, plums, grapes, kiwi, various fruiting shrubs like blackcurrent and gooseberries, as well as many herbs and salad plants.
Robert Hart's vision was to spread forest gardens throughtout the world in even the most densely populated urban areas, as he explained:
'Obviously, few of us are in a position to restore the forests ... but tens of millions of us have gardens (.. and useless green lawns), or have access to open spaces such as industrial wastelands, where trees can be planted ... and if full advantage can be taken of the potentialities that are available even in heavily built up areas, new 'city forest' can arise.'
Robert Hart's work has inspired many others, like Bill Mollison, David Holmgren and Geoff Lawton to pursue his techniques and thousands of food forests have started springing up around the globe in recent years. After 6 decades of greening efforts, the island city-state of Singapore is today a thriving example of a forest city, where nature is restored in the urban environment.
Layers of a Food Forest
Robert Hart
1. Canopy Layer, consisting of tall, sun-loving trees.
2. Under-storey Layer, consisting of smaller, shade-tolerant trees.
3. Shrub Layer, consisting of fruit and berry bushes.
4. Herbaceous Layer, consisting of perennial vegetables and herbs.
5. Rhizosphere / Underground Layer, consisting of plants grown for their roots and tubers.
6. Ground Cover / Creeping Layer, consisting of plants that spread horizontally.
7. Vertical Layer, consisting of vines and climbers.
Additional Layers identified later by others:
8. Mycelial / Fungal Layer.
9. Aquatic / Wetland Layer.
Design Criteria of Food Forests
- Blend sympathetically with and reflect the form of the land.
- Minimise intrusive effects.
- Enhance visually important natural features.
- Avoid unnatural straight lines and geometric shapes.
- Be of a scale appropriate to the landform.
- Blend in visually with adjacent farmland.
- Become increasingly irregular near watercourses and roads.
- Encourage diversity in tree species, age and forest composition.
Establishment of a Food Forest
A food forest needs plenty of sunshine access to water, drainage and good soil.
Plant Selection
A variety of edible trees, shrubs and groundcovers that are suited to the climate and soil conditions should be included.
A food forest should provide food throughout the year and selecting plants that will produce at different times of the year is important.
The use of space and resources should be maximised, incorporating techniques like vertical layering, beneficial guilds, companion planting and intercropping.
Routine maintenance, pruning and occassional weeding, watering and mulching needs to be carried out.
Environmental Benefits of Food Forestry
Plants and animals living in a forest is dependent on the climate zone, topography, age and species of trees and stage of development of the system. A well-planned food forest aesthetically appears more natural in the landscape and greatly enhances the unique habitat for wild plants and animals to thrive.
Different wildlife species require different habitats. Wild plants, flowers and grasses are a vital link in the natural food chain and provide food, pollen and cover for a range of insects, birds and mammals. Open space within the food forest will quickly be colonised by wild plants, providing food and pollen for butterflies, hedgehogs, bats and many bird species.
In temperate zones bluebells, wood anemones and grasses improve the forest floor and shrubs such as hawthorn, hazel and holly provide a valuable source of food and cover, while hedgerows and scrub within and adjacent to the forest enhance biodiversity and provide shelter and habitat for a range of plant species and the animals they attract and act as important wildlife corridors.
External hedges and the prolific associated vegetation contribute to the creation of a woodland edge, which acts as a transition zone for plants, birds and animals between managed farmland and the food forest habitat.
A food forest planted with many different edible species will attract a larger number of woodland bird species than a monoculture plantation. Retention of hedges and scrub and the creation of a woodland edge will encourage a more diverse bird population.
The role of old, dead and dying trees in a forest provide food and nesting habitats for many birds including barn owls, kingfishers, coal tits and treecreepers. Most woodland bird species have undemanding habitat requirements, while a species such as the pheasant requires a variety of habitats for roosting, cover for shelter and open areas for territorial displays.
Insects are a vital food source to birds and mammals and their population and species diversity will respond to habitat diversity, which will attract other bird and insectivorous mammals from further up the food chain.
Food forests are the ideal habitat for many small mammals, providing food, shelter, breeding and hibernation sites and a secure nesting environment to raise their young. As the food forest evolves and matures, various forest operations will have an important effect on animals and plants. For example, chopping and dropping will increase the amount of light reaching the forest floor and stimulate the growth of ground vegetation. This then makes the forest habitat more attractive to sparrow hawks, long-eared owls and woodcock. If any felling is required, a massive recolonisation of vegetation spontaneously occurs in the period thereafter, attracting a range of insect and birds like the nightjar and hen harrier, until the area is replanted.
Food forests reduce the leaching of nutrients from soils and affect water quality in adjacent watercourses and aquifers. Mature food forests reduce the concentrations of nitrate and the quantity of water draining to groundwater, compared to arable and intensively managed pastures. Along major watercourses and streams within or adjoining food forests, the retention and enhancement of the existing scrub and vegetation cover help to lessen bank erosion and slow floodwater, thereby reducing the negative impact on the surrounding land, maintaining wildlife habitats and their role as wildlife corridors.
Carbon Sink
Trees are described as 'the lungs of the planet' and play a vital role in absorbing and retaining CO2 and releasing oxygen. This is known as carbon storage and it contributes significantly to reduce the accumulation of one of the most important of the so-called 'greenhouse gases'. Forests have a major positive contribution to make to the protection of the global environment.
Alan Savory discovered that the reason for environmental degradation in a reserve was not that there were too many elephants, but that there were too few. Similarly, a Namibian farmer discovered that by replacing his cattle with gemsbok, that his farm vegetation turned from desert scrub to perennial grassland within two years.
Silvo (from Latin meaning forest), is the deliberate practice of integration of trees, forage and grazing of domesticated livestock operations on the same land in a mutually beneficial way. It utilises the principles of managed grazing and it is one of several distinct forms of agroforestry, which is the practice of integrating trees and other woody plants into traditional agricultural landscapes to create more sustainable and diverse ecosystems. These systems are intensively managed for forest products and forage, providing short- and long-term income sources.
In a silvopasture system, trees are planted in pastures or other grazing areas to provide shade for livestock, improve soil health and produce timber or other tree products. The forage grown in the pasture can also be harvested for feed, while the livestock provides natural fertiliser to improve soil fertility.
Benefits of Silvopasture
Productivity and Profitability
Silvopasture systems increase the productivity and profitability of grazing lands by providing additional sources of income from timber or other tree products.
Soil Health
Silvopasture systems improve soil health and nutrient cycling, reduce soil erosion and increase soil organic matter.
Carbon Sink
Trees in silvopasture systems capture atmospheric carbon through the process of photosynthesis, storing carbon for centuries.
Wildlife Habitat
Silvopasture systems provide habitat for a variety of wildlife species.
Permaculture ®
David Holmgren / Bill Mollison
Permaculture provides a toolbox for developing the best steps toward living a sustainable lifestyle. It is centered on whole systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilising the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems and is often used in a growing number of fields such as regenerative agriculture, rewilding, community resilience and residential architecture.
Permaculture is based on a philosophy of working with nature, of protracted and thoughtful observation, rather than protracted and thoughtless labour, of studying plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single system. It is ethical to take responsibility for our own existence and actions. Cooperation, not competition, is the basis of future survival and of existing life systems.
Permaculture Ethos
Earth Care
Caring for planet Earth and the total environment, all living and non-living things.
People Care
Self-reliance, community responsibility and mutual access to resources.
Fair Share and Return of Surplus
Setting limits to consumption with the benevolent distribution of resources.
Branches of Permaculture
• Ecological design and engineering.
• Earthworks.
• Environmental design.
• Sustainable architecture.
• Construction.
• Integrated management of water resources.
• Water harvesting, drought-proofing,
• Erosion mitigation systems.
• Grey and black water systems.
• Watershed restoration.
• Regenerative and self-maintained habitat.
• Agricultural systems modeled on natural ecosystems.
• Establish food forest guilds.
• Soil renovation and management.
• Composting and waste cycling.
• Community development.
• Sustainable vocations.
• Sustainable Aid.
Permaculture Food Production
A Permaculture food garden is a type of garden that is designed to mimic the natural ecosystem while providing fresh, healthy and sustainable food. It is a self-sustaining and regenerative system that integrates plants, animals and soil in a way that creates a self-contained ecosystem. The goal of a permaculture food garden is to produce food in a way that is environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and ecologically sustainable. It is a low-maintenance and low-cost way to grow your own food, while reducing your carbon footprint.
Establishment of a Permaculture Food Garden
Observe the natural features of your site, including the landscape, seasons, soil, sun exposure, water patterns, wind direction and existing vegetation. This will help to determine what plants will thrive in the garden.
Design the garden to mimic natural patterns, such as a forest or meadow. Incorporate companion planting, guilds and perennials to build a self-sustaining ecosystem.
Build healthy soil
Healthy soil is the foundation of a successful Permaculture garden. Add compost, manure and other organic matter to improve soil health and fertility.
Incorporate Animals
Chickens, ducks and dwarf goats help improve soil fertility and provide additional food sources.
Harvest and Preserve
Harvest crops regularly and use preservation techniques, such as canning or freezing, to extend the life of the food.
Chop and Drop
Chop and drop is a gardening technique that involves selective scything and pruning and leaving the cuttings to rot in situ as a natural mulch. This technique is used to create nutrient-rich soil, control soil erosion and retain moisture.
Natural Farming
Masanobu Fukuoka
Natural Farming, also referred to as ‘The Natural Way of Farming’, or ‘The Do-Nothing Farming’, is an ecological approach to farming, established by Masanobu Fukuoka (1913 -2008), a Japanese farmer and philosopher, as introduced in 1975 in his book ‘The One Straw Revolution’.
‘Natural Farming is the Zenith of Enlightenment’ Masanobu Fukuoka
He regarded farming as the means of producing food and as an aesthetic or spiritual approach to life, the ultimate goal which was : ‘The cultivation and perfection of human beings’.
He suggested that farmers could benefit from closely observing local conditions. The system incorporates the complexity of living organisms that shape each particular ecosystem.
Natural Farming does not refer to lack of effort, but to the avoidance of human and manufactured inputs and equipment. Natural farming is related to fertility farming, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, agro-forestry, eco-agriculture and Permaculture.
Advantages of Natural Farming
• It takes a leap into the future.
• Observes the laws of nature.
• Respects life and the rights of crops and livestock.
• Opposes human exploitation of life.
• It is sustainable.
• Makes all inputs from natural materials.
• Rears healthy animals, resistant to disease and climatic fluctuations.
• Avoids injecting livestock with routine hormones and antibiotics.
• Heals soil slashed by chemicals, herbicide and machines.
• Regenerates soil.
• Recovers ecology.
• Combats desertification.
• Achieves top quality and yield, with much higher nutritional value.
• As much as 300% higher protein, amino acids and other essential nutrients in produce.
• Almost no chemical residues in crops.
• Exceed yields, even of minimum tillage agriculture, by hundreds and thousands of times.
• Multiply sustainable carrying capacities.
'Human nature can only be perfected if we learn to live in harmony with nature.'
Masanubo Fukuoka
No-Till Farming
This is a no-till agricultural management system without any ploughing, to create sustainable organic food gardens with minimal human intervention. A surface mulch layer is built up to create conditions similar to those in undisturbed ecosystems, where decomposition and mineralisation of plant and animal detritus, regulate the availability of nutrients for plant uptake. Paul Gauchi's 'Back to Eden' project is a highly successful example of no-till farming.
No Tilling
Zero-till gardening follows the Permaculture principle of working with, instead of against nature and does not use any industrial, man-made techniques. It uses the lasagna method of soil preparation, which allows for the establishment of garden beds on top of existing lawns without digging up the turf, by using a layer of cardboard or newspaper on top of the soil or lawn and then adding mulch on top. The cardboard helps to smother existing grass, seeds and weeds.
No Weeding
Every inch of soil is covered with a thick layer of natural wood mulch which suppresses weed growth, preventing weeds to take hold and with shallower roots are easier and quicker to remove.
No Watering
The thick mulch layer retains moisture in the soil, avoiding the bare soil from baking in the sun, so precipitation gets absorbed by the mulch, instead of being lost by evaporating or runoff.
Local Natural Resources
Where possible, mulching materials should be sourced from nearby locations, such as wood chips from local tree removal companies, manure from local farms and leaf litter from neighbours.
Organic Natural Materials
The zero-till method uses compost and manure for fertilising and companion planting and beneficial insects, such as predatory wasps, for pest control.
Edible Meadows
A meadow or prairie is a grassland, often mowed for hay. An edible meadow is planted to resemble a natural meadow, in an easy-to-grow perennial polyculture, that encourages beneficial interaction between plant communities, that grow well and die well together. Edible meadows require 6-8 hours of sunshine per day, plus a well-balanced soil food web, consisting of all the tiny microbes that add life to the soil.
Management is limited to the removal of unwanted woody plants, application of mulch, wood ashes and selective scything. Plants complete their natural cycle without needing to be pruned or staked and seed heads are left for the birds. Waste is returned to the meadow as mulch.
Edible perennials are planted together with grasses to attract butterflies, bees, insects, birds and small mammals (gophers - rats/mice/moles) to facilitate pollination. Meadow soils are primarily built with bacteria breaking down the foliage, whereas forest soils are built by fungi doing the same thing. A food forest plus an edible meadow, a pond and their animal associates, are sustainable ways to supply food and fibre to communities.
Staples of the Edible Meadow
• Root vegetables.
• Leafy greens.
• Seeds.
• Fruit-bearing herbaceous plants.
• Cucurbits.
Urban Farming
The role of household and community gardens as frontline food security interventions and a long-term resilience strategy should not be overlooked.
Urban farming refers to the practice of growing food and cultivating plants in urban areas, such as cities and towns. It is a response to various challenges, including limited agricultural land, increasing urbanisation and a desire for locally sourced and sustainable food production.
Urban farming takes on different forms, depending on the available space and resources. Some common methods of urban farming include rooftop gardens, vertical farming, community gardens, and hydroponics. These approaches allow individuals, communities and organisations to produce vegetables, herbs, fruits and sometimes even raise small livestock within urban environments.
The trend has gained popularity for several reasons:
Food Security
It reduces dependence on distant food sources and provides access to fresh produce in urban areas with limited access to healthy affordable food options.
It reducing food miles, minimises transportation-related emissions and utilises organic farming methods. It encourages recycling and composting, leading to a more circular environmentally friendly approach to food production.
Community Engagement
Community gardens foster social connections, a sense of belonging and opportunities for social interaction, sharing of knowledge and collaboration on food-growing initiatives.
Health Benefits
The consumption of fresh, nutritious, pesticide-free food contributes to health and well-being and offer opportunities for physical activity and outdoor engagement.
Education and Awareness
It creates an educational platform, teaching people about sustainable agriculture, nutrition and the importance of environmental stewardship. It raises awareness about food production processes, inspiring people to make informed choices about what they eat and how it impacts the planet.
Beautification and Green Spaces
It contributes to the aesthetics of urban areas by transforming unused or neglected spaces into vibrant gardens, enhance urban biodiversity, improve air quality and create visually appealing green spaces that have a positive impact on mental health and well-being.
Job Creation and Economic Growth
It creates opportunities for entrepreneurship, employment and skills development in urban areas and contributes to local economic growth by generating income through direct sales of produce and engaging community members in food-based educational programs.
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Reduces the costs and carbon footprint associated with food transportation and waste.
Historical Overview and Future Growth of Urban Farming
The history of urban farming can be traced back to ancient civilisations, where cities often had agricultural areas within or nearby their boundaries to support the local population. The modern urban farming movement emerged as a response to the challenges and opportunities of urbanisation in the 20th century.
Early 20th Century
During the early 1900s, urban farming initiatives such as victory gardens gained prominence during times of war and economic hardship. These gardens were promoted as a way to supplement food supplies and boost self-sufficiency.
The urban farming movement experienced a resurgence, driven by the growing environmental and food justice movements. Community gardens and urban agriculture projects sprouted in cities, particularly in the United States. These initiatives aimed to address issues of food access, community empowerment and sustainable land use.
Late 20th Century
In the late 20th century, urban farming continued to evolve with the introduction of innovative techniques such as hydroponics, vertical farming and aquaponics. These methods allowed for efficient use of limited space and resources, making urban farming more viable in densely populated areas.
21st Century
The 21st century witnessed a significant expansion of urban farming as a result of various factors. Concerns over food security and the desire for local and sustainable food have driven the adoption of urban farming practices.
Future Trends
The future of urban farming looks promising. Some emerging trends include:
Technological Advancements
Technologies continue to evolve, making urban farming more efficient and productive. Automation, artificial intelligence and data-driven approaches are likely to play a role in optimising urban farming systems.
Rooftop and Vertical Farming
With limited land availability in cities, rooftop and vertical farming will become increasingly popular. These methods utilise vertical spaces and buildings to grow crops, maximising land use efficiency.
Integration with Smart Cities
Urban farming can be integrated into the concept of smart cities, where data and technology are utilised to optimise resource allocation, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Collaboration and Community Involvement
Collaborative urban farming initiatives and community-supported agriculture models will strengthen community bonds, promote local food systems and empower individuals to actively participate in food production.
Policy Support
Governments are recognising the benefits of urban farming and are developing policies to support its growth. This includes investment, incentives, zoning regulations and initiatives to integrate urban farming into urban planning frameworks to promote sustainable food production, improve urban resilience and enhance community well-being.
Growing Market Value
The market value of the urban farming sector is also on the rise. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global vertical farming market size was valued at $2.23 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $12.77 billion by 2028, indicating significant growth and market potential.
Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, shellfish and aquatic plants. It involves the cultivation of aquatic organisms under controlled conditions, often in tanks, ponds, or enclosed systems, to produce food, ornamental fish, or other products, such as pearls or bioactive compounds. Aquaculture is an important part of the global food system, providing a sustainable source of seafood to meet the growing demand for protein.
Chinampas are a great example of aquaculture. They are a traditional Mesoamerican agricultural system that involves creating rectangular areas of shallow, fertile land on the shallow lake beds of the Valley of Mexico. These plots of land are surrounded by canals filled with water, which is used for irrigation and also serves as a habitat for fish and other aquatic animals. By using this method, farmers can grow crops and raise fish on the same piece of land, effectively combining aquaculture and agriculture.
Integrated Farming
This is a sustainable agricultural system that combines different components such as crops, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry. This approach involves the efficient use of resources and creates mutually beneficial relationships between different farming activities. Integrated farming not only maximises productivity but also minimises waste and reduces the adverse effects of farming on the environment.
Examples of Integrated Farming
Growing trees in combination with crops and/or livestock, as discussed.
Integrated Crop-livestock Farming
Combining crops and animals in a rotational system to benefit soil fertility and productivity.
Combining trees, forage and livestock in one system, as discussed.
Integrated Fish Farming
Combining fish, crops and livestock, with the waste from one component being used to fertilise another. Rice and duck cultivation can be combined with fish farming, where the ducks help control pests and fertilise the rice, producing eggs and meat and fish are raised in the rice paddies. It's a sustainable and efficient farming method that benefits both the environment and the farmers.
Microgreens are young plants that are harvested at the cotyledon stage after a few days of growth, just before the development of true leaves. Coteyledons are the first set of leaves that form when the seed begins to germinate / sprout, typically between 7-14 days after germination.
Microgreens are a sustainable way of growing food because they require very little space, water and resources to grow and can be harvested quickly. They are also a great way to reduce food waste, as they can be grown from leftover seeds and can be harvested and consumed in just a few weeks. At this stage they are most nutrient-dense and flavourful, making them a popular choice for garnishes, salads and other culinary uses. They contain more vitamins and minerals per gram than mature plants, making them a healthy addition to any meal. They are a great sustainable option for growing fresh food at home, or in small spaces.
Plantations are not forests. They are large farms where mono-crops are grown for commercial purposes, typically in tropical or subtropical regions. In the past, plantations were most commonly associated with crops such as cotton, sugar and tobacco, which were grown by slave labor. However, today plantations may also be used to grow a wide variety of crops, including coffee, rubber and fruit. Plantations often employ a large workforce and are owned by individuals, corporations, or governments.
Monoculture plantations can be sustainable if they are managed responsibly and with sustainable practices. However, monoculture plantations devastating impacts on the environment and indigenous populations and cause soil degradation and loss of biodiversity. It's important to consider the long-term effects of monoculture plantations and their impact on the surrounding ecosystems before deciding if they are sustainable.
As well as transitioning away from fossil-fuel-dependent agriculture toward local organic production, there is also the requirement to embrace renewable energy systems and sustainable lifestyles of modest consumption.
The information and technology now freely exist to retrofit existing homes and build new modular flex homes from sustainable materials like hemp, bamboo and wood, create home food gardens, harvest and store water and clean energy and build healthy, vibrant communities. Incremental small, scalable, sustainable changes all add up to make a real difference in how we live and interact with each other and the natural world.
Collectively taking the necessary steps to transition from our current consumptive, extractive, destructive economy and lifestyle habits, based on endless growth, efficiency and profit, to a sustainable, circular economy that regenerates rather than degrades our planet, are some of the most important to address as we enter "The Age of Resilience".
Deep Green Permaculture -
Permaculture News -
Masanubo Fukuoka : The One Straw Revolution.
Eric Toensmeier : Perennial Solutions -
Eric Toensmeier : Edible Forest Gardens 1&2 / Perennial Vegetables / Silvopasture
Alan Savory : Regeneration and Holistic Management -
Paul Gauchi : Back to Eden Gardening Documentary Film -
Charles Dowding : No Dig -
Plants for a Future : Robert Hart's Forest Garden -
Atlas Obscura : Eric J. Wallace - The Moroccan Food Forest -
Byron Grows : Syntropic Agroforestry 2019 -
Byron Grows : 2023 -
Byron Grows : 2023 - Step-by-Step Food Forest Design for Tiny House
David Jacke : Edible Forest Gardens Vol 1&2
Paradise Valley:
Robert Hart Forest Garden
Robert Hart's Forest Garden
Syntropic Food Forest :